A Grim Future for These Daughters-In-Law

This comment was left here recently. It doesn’t matter what post it was on. I just want to wish this woman’s future DILs much love and luck. What leaves me scratching my head is “logically”, I would hedge my bets that SHE (yes, it’s a woman) is a DIL herself. It’s enough to give me a headache.

I really really hope my kids- particularly the boys NEVER get married. I hate women. I so much will prefer a son-in-law over a dil. Women are so evil and controlling. I don’t fear getting a sil- I’ll love him to death. I DO NOT want dils!

My kids are all under 7, but I already dread this. What you women do not understand is that you will never ever ever love my child as much as I do. I will lay down my life in a heartbeat form my sons! You women will never do that. How many of you send your men off to Iraq to die while you sit on your asses. You force your men to do all the work. If there is something dangerous to be done- you send the men to do it. I send myself, never would I send my son because i rather be the one dead or injured or in pain – not him. So you will never love a man and take care of him like his parents will.

Women abuse and control men and try to push them away from their families. It may not be physical abuse- but constant nagging is abuse.

Stop being control freaks and realize that your husbands have another family that is not YOU!

I really really hope my kids- particularly the boys NEVER get married. I hate women. I so much will prefer a son-in-law over a dil. Women are so evil and controlling. I don’t fear getting a sil- I’ll love him to death. I DO NOT want dils!

My kids are all under 7, but I already dread this. What you women do not understand is that you will never ever ever love my child as much as I do. I will lay down my life in a heartbeat form my sons! You women will never do that. How many of you send your men off to Iraq to die while you sit on your asses. You force your men to do all the work. If there is something dangerous to be done- you send the men to do it. I send myself, never would I send my son because i rather be the one dead or injured or in pain – not him. So you will never love a man and take care of him like his parents will.

Women abuse and control men and try to push them away from their families. It may not be physical abuse- but constant nagging is abuse.

Stop being control freaks and realize that your husbands have another family that is not YOU!

9 responses »

  1. WOW! I really hope she isn’t a DIL herself. Maybe she had all of her kids with random guys who she never nagged at or tried to make him sever ties with his Mommy. Since that is what all of us DILs do.

  2. What a freaking psycho! I love it! haha. Thanks for sharing this. The saddest thing is how hard this will all be on her son(s)…I know from experience that it is just not easy for the poor guy when a son realizes his mother would rather him be alone his whole life than choose another woman above his mother. But whether or not she’s a DIL (I bet she married an orphan…it’s the only explanation I can think of), she’s quite a lunatic. A lunatic who better savor these precious young years with her sons, who will definitely not stick around for long once they figure her out. Signed, This DIL (who makes a good 50% more money than her husband, always kills the spiders in the house, makes heart-healthy meals for a man who’s mother taught him bacon was a staple ingredient in all veggie dishes, and owned her own home before meeting or marrying a man).

  3. I’m more worried that she says she hates women but obviously has at least one daughter. Does she already hate her too? Or is she raising her in a “deny who you are, because it’s inherently evil” atmosphere? And has she never met a controlling man in her life? Odds are slim. Geez!

  4. wow…….damaged much? First of all, I’m the wife of a active duty solider who is in the Middle East right now and he has amazing FEMALE colleagues who work twice as hard as the men to prove themselves because of people like this psycho who think that women wouldn’t or don’t go to war. And, not only is my husband’s father active duty and his mother a civilian employee with the military, they are PROUD that their son decided to dedicate his life protecting his country and YOUR freedom so I did not send him off to war for the money. For the record, I don’t sit on my ass all day while my husband risks his life to protect dumb shits like this woman. I work as a counselor for teenagers and I’m getting my master’s degree in therapy, in addition to keeping our house running and supporting my husband.

    Secondly, a man’s wife is more involved in his life than his mother is because his wife is the one that is with him every day and night running the household, NOT his mother. (Even the crazy stories on this website end with the married couple leaving the in-laws house and going back to their own homes and lives.) I started reading this website because my m-i-l has her moments, but she already knows that at the end of the day, my husband and I are partners in life and I am the #1 female in his everyday life.

    I apologize for my rant, but its pretty sad how this person feels about other women. And, news flash bitch, if you hate women than you also hate yourself.

  5. I wonder how she feels about her own husband – does she send him to do :the dangerous stuff”? Does she respect her own MIL in that way, that her husband has another family, etc. ? Geez. This woman needs help and maybe a little step back from her obsessiveness over her son(s). If he’s only 7 now (or less) what’s she going to be like when he’s older and wants to leave the nest?

  6. OMG! What a freaking narcissitic beast. Her sons are DOOMED. Although, the misogyny is not surprising when my in-laws were campaigning for Hilary Clinton I told them Kermit the Frog would get elected in this country over any woman no matter how smart & capable she is. American men fear and hate women because of that fear and American women hate themselves even more, which is why they have to be the least feminine women on the planet. I guess if you think everything female sucks and is worthless you’re going to make yourselves as masculine as possible. You don’t want to diagnose someone online, but can you say Borderline Personality Disorder. Yikes! How many lives & relationships will be ruined in this woman’s path? What a nasty, nasty human nightmare.

    • Natasha Pittman

      Unbelievable!!!! Absolutely, unbelievable! The crazy ones never know that they are crazy! Doesn’t she realize that her crazy talk is why her sons will probably run away before their first girlfriend?! Controlling women, she is the controlling woman! I suppose it takes all types . . .

  7. So…she wants them to live totally alone or be homosexual just to fit her because she can’t get along with other women? That doesn’t sound particularly healthy either. Wow, guess it takes all kinds.

  8. I think this site is for for the DIL’s. That was quite a rant and I am not defending it but…Please keep in mind ladies, that there is another side to the coin and all of you that complain (which sound not much different than this lady above) about your in-laws, well they have their story too. It all boils down to respect. Lack of it apparently on both sides. Yes, I am a MIL. I get along okay with my DIL’s, but I keep my distance even though they live in the same community. It wouldn’t bother me at all if they lived in another state, because I think that especially makes for a great relationship. But, my sons want to live near us (not at our request) and one recently moved back here from another state to do just that. I think (from what my friends say about their DIL’s) that it is rare for the MIL and DIL to actually be friends, which is a shame. But we choose our friends and in-laws are not choisen. My husband and I have been married 39 years and this is a little of what I learned. I never, never made a negative remark regarding my husbands family to them or to him, because to do so was to disrespct them which would also disrespect him. When we love someone we do not make them make choises between the people they love. The same is true of my DILs. I love my sons so do not put them in awkward positions. I am sad for them that their wives do not respect and love them enough to do the same for them. We cannot control others, but we can control our reaction to them. Okay I’m done, Lol!


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